Neiman, Callegari is pleased to be part of and provide its services to the growing communities of the Town of Caledon, which provide the benefits of country living together with a sophisticated and expanding business environment.
The law firm of Neiman, Callegari is centrally located and easily accessible in downtown Bolton, with ample parking available. Bolton provides the best of all worlds and an ideal location being within easy driving distance to the Toronto, Newmarket and Brampton Courts.
Real Estate
OMB Hearings, Minor Variance Applications, Subdivision Agreements
Civil Litigation
Statements of Claim/Defence, Applications, Superior Court and Small Claims Court Matters
Wills & Estates
Spousal Wills, Primary and Secondary Wills for Corporate shareholders, Powers of Attorney for Property and Personal Care, Living Wills
Municipal Law
OMB Hearings, Minor Variance Applications, Subdivision Agreements
Employment Law
Employment Contracts, Wrongful Dismissal, Termination Packages
Commercial Law
Incorporations, Business Name Registrations, Shareholder Agreements
Angelo S. Callegari and John D. Srebot left the Toronto Bay Street firm of O’Donohue and O’Donohue in 1994 to establish the firm of Callegari and Srebot in Markham, Ontario. The following year Angelo Callegari acquired the long established Bolton law firm of Neiman, Bissett, owned and operated by Clemens M. Neiman and the Honourable Joan Bissett. The result was the creation of Neiman, Callegari on February 1, 1995. Neiman, Callegari is Caledon’s largest law firm.
Neiman, Callegari is a member of the Caledon Chamber of Commerce. The firm is an active supporter and participant of the community and its social and educational associations. The firm has been actively involved in local school cooperative programs, as well as providing public seminars and articles for the local newspapers which deal with current legal issues of interest to the general public. Neiman, Callegari is both a sponsor and participant in several annual Charity Golf Tournaments.
The law firm of Neiman, Callegari is equipped with up-to-date computer systems and internet access, and utilizes computer programs and internet resources such as Divorcemate, Conveyancer, Terraview, E-Reg, WestLaw, QuickLaw and Bar-X. Information and legal updates are readily at hand and monitored regularly. Our lawyers and experienced support staff attend continuing educational programs in the areas of law and computer programs and attend seminars and classes in their areas of practice in order to stay current with today’s legal issues.
The law firm of Neiman, Callegari is centrally located and easily accessible in downtown Bolton, with ample parking available. Bolton provides the best of all worlds and an ideal location being only 40minutes from Toronto and 20 minutes from the Newmarket and Brampton Courts and Land Registry Offices. Neiman, Callegari is pleased to be part of and provide its services to the growing communities of the Town of Caledon, which provide the benefits of country living together with a sophisticated and expanding business environment.